Sustainable Water Solutions Begin Here

Welcome to our Projects page here at Cyclone Drilling. For decades, we have been providing top-quality drilling services for many customers, including drilling for irrigation, and rural property wells.  Our team collaborates closely with hydrogeologists to determine the scope of each project, ensuring that we meet your specific needs with precision and efficiency. Whether you’re looking to enhance your agricultural operations with a reliable source of water, or seeking to secure a sustainable domestic water supply, our expertise is at your service.

Explore our projects below to discover more about how we might assist in achieving your goals.

Cyclone Drilling Ltd.
Project Gallery

conserve water tips Okanagan

Help Save the Planet!

Interested in Conserving Water?

If you rely on a water well for your home, there are many ways to conserve water. Here are some ideas:

  1. Repair dripping faucets & leaking toilets
  2. Wash clothes & dishes only when you have a full load
  3. Turn off the water while you’re brushing your teeth or shaving
  4. Consider installing low-flow, water-efficient showerheads & faucets

These methods can save 35 gallons of water or more per day!

Ready to Get Started?
It can be easy!
We will guide you through the water well process.